5 Ways To Make Your Hotel Room More Like Home

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I love decor, organization, and ensuring everything has a place. If I can't organize my space, even when I am on the road, I feel frazzled and I don't have peace. Recently, I went on a work trip that took me to San Francisco for 10 days. I took two roller suitcases and two carry on bags. I am not a minimalist so don't judge :).

Let's be honest, traveling can be stressful. Especially long travel days. After you walk in your room, you just want to take a hot shower, grab something to eat and dive deep into your (hopefully) comfy bed. In order to increase my odds I created a few tips I use when I travel. I make every effort to make my room as close to home as possible. 

Lysol/Clorox Wipes


Okay, take it or leave it, but since we're best friends now, you have to accept that I am a germaphobe. I ALWAYS have hand wipes or hand sanitizer with me. When I travel, my cleanliness kicks up a notch. Here's my usual cleaning plan. I wipe down the desk, side tables, tub/shower, sinks, bathroom counters, toilet, floor, door knobs, light fixtures, phone, and any other surfaces I may touch. I spray any soft surfaces like chairs, couches, and beds with Lysol. I usually don't sleep with the comforter, unless it's a duvet.  

Bring a mini wax warmer or a plugin


There's nothing like making your room smell like familiar and favorite smells. I love clean linen, tranquility, and sea breeze smells. Not only does it smell good, it also looks pretty too! [Deep inhale] relaxation ahead. 

Organize your makeup in drinking glasses


When I travel I typically take my top 15 brushes, a liquid and powder foundation, lots of lipsticks, lip liners, bronzer and eye shadow palettes. I typically bag it all up in between two gallon-sized ziplock bags. Trying to find the right crease brush while looking through a plastic bag isn't very efficient. I take the two glasses that usually come in the room and request at least one more. I put my lipsticks and lip liners in one glass, all of my brushes in another glass, and all of my eye products i.e. liners, primers, mascara, and lashes in the last glass. This displays your makeup beautifully and makes the process of doing your makeup a lot quicker.

Bring your favorite decadent body wash


Literally wash off the day with that luxurious body wash you've been saving for a special occasion. In my experience higher end body washes tend to feel like velvet on my skin. An additional bonus is that their fragrance tends to linger long after the shower is over. *CUE THE CALGON COMMERCIAL* 

Pillow Mist


Ah! You made it to the final step! Time to get in bed. My last tip is to spray down the pillows with a calming pillow mist. My favorite is the Sleep Mist from Bath and Body Works. Again, it's creating familiar smells to establish a comforting environment for your best rest. 

*Bonus tip: Bring your own slippers! 

Consider adding some of these tips to make your hotel room feel like your home away from home. Are you taking a trip soon? I'd love to hear about it and any other tips you have in the comments below.

